
A selection of my large projects:

I built Slick's as a Gatsby Driven React project in 2021. I built it with Gatsby Framework as the front end and Sanity as the back end.

Adore is a react web app using the MERN stack. The app was built with javascript from the front end to the back end.

Built a tiny part of Kyoto

The Burger is a react web app create-react-app. The app was deployed to firebase with google credentials for login and sign-in features.

Built a clone version of facebook using React

An Online shop built with Next.js

Built a clone version of Amazon using React

Built a clone version of Hacker News

A selection of my mini projects:

Interactive Card images built with vanilla javascript

Animation of rotating nav

Interactive Card images built with vanilla javascript

Animation of split landing page

Interactive song board

Collapsible frequently asked question board

Random choice maker

Increment counter for social medias

Random choice maker

Help to drink more water

Movie app

Background Slider

Drawing Pad

Kinetic Loader

Double vertical slider

Github search users

Generate random password with one click

Create a mosaic board by moving mouse.

My Collections of pokémon

Create a mosaic board by moving mouse.

Netflix Navigation Bar

Todo list with CRUD features

Video Streaming Travel Landing Page

Covid Tracker Built with Vue

Terminal Like Landing Page

Guess Game Wordle Clone