Inspire Your Customers on the Internet

My name is Henry Shi. I am an enthusiastic and creative full-stack developer from California with 4 years of professional experience. Customers who have benefited from my work including PayPal, Adore Flowers, Run Shi, and Baidu.

I built Slick's as a Gatsby Driven React project in 2021. I built it with Gatsby Framework as the front end and Sanity as the back end.

Adore is a react web app using the MERN stack. The app was built with javascript from the front end to the back end.

Built with MERN tech stack.

Built Hacker news mock with api supported officially.

Long-Lasting Solutions

I can implement your layouts across platforms, and pixel-perfectly if needed. My goal is to build long-lasting solutions that are elegant, transparent, and easy to maintain. Modular components, themes, and CSS frameworks simplify collaboration and further development. Continuous testing allows me to discover and eliminate errors at an early stage.

Full-Stack Experience

When enhancing existing code, I benefit from professional experience and a pragmatic approach. With back-end and DevOps experience and a high willingness to learn, I can also take charge of tasks that may arise besides front-end development.

SSR Development

My preferred approach is to implement back-end interfaces as independent modules. For the web Slick's, I developed using SSR(Server-Side-Rendering) with Gatsby. It improves user experience by creating static HTML at build time when the project built.

Professional Skills

Web Development





Framework, Library






Backend Development





Framework, Library



Work and Passion

What still fascinates me

Worldwide communication and inspiration: The World Wide Web connects people with robust and decentralized technology. Websites designed to offer everyone access to this network need to be attractive, fast, and accessible. My work helps to make this dream a reality.

Professional Background

I optimized the loading time and mobile phone compatibility of apps and websites and created front-end applications for paypal, adore and other customers.

Future Topics

In the IT industry, innovation, transformation, and digitalization often mean nothing but technological progress. In many cases, social challenges in ecology, equality, safety, and data protection do not receive the priority they deserve. I want to support ethical and ecological projects, for example, the transition in the transport sector, renewable energies, or environmentally friendly fashion.